10 quick tips for great skin


Changing weather can wreck your skin and gets some simple tips to take care of your skin .Taking care of skin during this time is an absolute must.

- Use less make-up for a while. Don't clog your skin with layers of conclears, foundations and blushers etc

- Flush out toxins from your system with a lot of water, fresh fruit juices

- Get adequate sleep

- Meditating and de-stressing is important

- Regular exercising is very important - because it helps fresh blood and oxygen to reach the skin and that helps to take away toxins.

- Use lots of sunscreen repeatedly. Moisturise your skin and use night creams. Use exfoliating agents on your knees, elbows etc.

- An oil massage is great for your body. Get your maid to give you a nice, relaxing massage if you are too tired to go out.

- Take nutritional supplements to tackle free radicals that cause premature ageing.

- Your kitchen is a great place to look for your beauty treatments. Take any acidic fruit pulp like an orange, apple or strawberry and apply to your face. These delicately exfoliate.

- A mashed banana with fresh milk (or milk powder) is a very nourishing face pack.