Taking an attention-grabbing selfie is also an art! Here are some tips to master, before you point that camera on yourself.
Rummage through your old pictures
Scan through your camera album and see which of your old selfies are flattering. Once you select those, try and see what's common between these pictures. Is it the angle in which they are taken? Or the kind of makeup you have applied? Once you figure that out, you can follow the same steps, angles, makeup etc. while clicking your future selfies, so that you look great every single time.
Use photo filters to enhance your selfie
Most smartphones are equipped with photo-editing apps so, after you've clicked the picture, you can choose a filter to accent its focal point. For example, if you're wearing blue and want to draw special attention to it, go for a filter that will pop this particular hue. To blur your complexion for any blemishes and give the face a glow, use a softening filter. If you want to show a bright lip colour, go for a filter which has a high saturation.
Let there be light
To get the best out of any photograph, selfie or otherwise, you need to have the right kind of lighting in place. Instead of taking a picture in a dark room and using a bright flash, go for a setting where you have natural sunlight around you. This will eliminate shadows under your eyes and will give your face a nice sunny look. Experiment during the different times of the day and figure out which light makes you look best in photographs. If you can't click the photo outdoors, make sure you stand near a window and left the light fall on your face. This will also lend a good effect.
Drop the annoying pout
Most selfie-addicts are accused of pouting in pictures. So, instead of doing the cliched duck lips, smile genuinely for a change. This will be a welcome break from the pouts and you will realise how a smile can make you look better and more natural in pictures.
Let there be light
To get the best out of any photograph, selfie or otherwise, you need to have the right kind of lighting in place. Instead of taking a picture in a dark room and using a bright flash, go for a setting where you have natural sunlight around you. This will eliminate shadows under your eyes and will give your face a nice sunny look. Experiment during the different times of the day and figure out which light makes you look best in photographs. If you can't click the photo outdoors, make sure you stand near a window and left the light fall on your face. This will also lend a good effect.
Hide that double chin
Often, we avoid taking close-ups because of a double chin. To completely remove any double chin in the picture and accentuate the jaw line, extend your neck forward. It will dramatically improve how you look in the selife. Elongate your neck and push your shoulders back for good posture. Also, try not to hold the camera directly beneath your face as this is a bad angle.
Choose the right Angle
If you want to look slimmer in your selfie, hold your camera slightly higher than your face. Keep your head tilted at a ¾ angle.
Crop out unimportant details
When you don't use your front camera, you will capture a few unnecessary aspects in your selfie. This could be strangers, cluttered backdrops etc. Crop out these unwanted details from the background. In a selfie, always make sure that you are the only subject in focus and are drawing attention. So, whenever there is an distracting background, like a group of people or even a movie poster, crop it out. Once you've done that, no one will be able to guess that it is a self-captured picture.